Sarahah, Viral's Sudden Application Instantly

Earlier this year, Saudi programmer Zain Alabdin Tawfiq has developed a work-based application that will serve businesses and companies to find out their employees feedback honestly.

Sarahah is an app that is suddenly famous for being designed to develop honest behavior (Sarahah in Arabic = Honesty). Sarahah is very impressive, because it was released 5 months ago, this application was successfully downloaded only 3.88 million in the United States alone, more downloaded than Facebook Messenger, Netflix and even the all-powerful WhatsApp who occupied the first sales position in Apple App Store in 30 countries.

The use of Sarahah longer seems to have produced something that is inversely proportional to the intent and purpose of the developer.Why? because Snapchat, one of the most popular social networks and allows anyone who has an account at Sarahah can share it via Snapchat. With Snapchat, Sarahah has become a misused application for sending harassment messages, threats, humiliations, even terrorizing someone for access to anonymity.

Sarahah can be a breeding ground for anonymous intimidation and the only app that was born as something positive and just turned into something destructive, just like anonymous Facebook extension, or Askfm site that its developers deleted after a suicide.

All depends on the user, if the users themselves want to use Sarahah to do 'Cyber ​​Crime' it will not possible crime comes from Sarahah application. However, if users use Sarahah in accordance with the scope created then all will go according to the wishes of the developer.



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