You Can Do This Magic In The Smartphone Without Using The Internet

Without internet, smartphones will no longer be smart. Because there are many applications that require internet access for smart smartphones, such as chat applications and social media so you still exist.
But actually there are many smart functions that can keep running a smartphone even without an internet connection. Let's see the magic function of Android smartphone even without the following internet!

1. Chats Without the Internet

Unlike LINE Messenger, Whatsapp, or BBM which requires you to have internet connection to use chat facility, FireChat app lets you chat without internet connection. The FireChat app only requires you to be around your chat buddies who also use FireChat.

2. Read Article Street Mouse Without the Internet

Already downloaded JalanTikus app, yet? The WalkTool app has the Favorites and Save Offline feature that lets you reread certain articles without using the internet.

3. Browsing Without the Internet

Browsing has now become our habit is not it? Especially for the students, browsing becomes a very important thing. But among you must have a moment when you want to browse but terbayata internet package is up, or there is no Wi-Fi network. If you use Offline Browser application your problem is solved! Because by using Offline Browser you can browse without internet connection.
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