Is There Unfoll You In Instagram? Try This Trick To Know Who's Your Unfollower!

Social media, such as Instagram, has become a lifestyle or need for internet users of all ages. Not only useful to communicate or share photos and videos of everyday activities, Instagram can actually be a source of fortune.
Take for example, the more the number of followers of an Instagram user, his greatest potential would be to get an endorse offer and so forth.

Instagram itself provides many interesting features, such as giving notifications when it gets followerbaru, or when someone leaves a comment.

But unfortunately, until now Facebook's social media has not also provide notification for
Shows who unfollowed the user account.

You can take advantage of two services, InstaFollow for Instagram - Android app and service on a website called The following ways we describe from various sources.

1. InstaFollow for Instagram

In the Google Play Store, look for an app called "InstaFollow for Instagram". This application can be obtained for free with a large file that is not up to 1MB. After that, download and install the application.

After downloading and installing the application "InstaFollow for Instagram", run the application. Log in using the instagram account, and authorize the app to have full control.

This authority is required because later on the application will run some system that can not run normally through Instagram application.
With InstaFollow for Instagram application, it will not only show and notify if anyone follow, unfollow, or comment and "heart" (likes).

This application can also show instagram account activity, ranging from the percentage of follower increase to how many followers who no longer follow Instagram account for a certain period.

Also shown who the follower who often leave comments without giving Heart, or vice versa. This application is the easiest step to know who unfollow your Instagram.

Instagram makes it easy for you to see who follows your account. Because, Instagram more open in showing friendship.


Through the page, Instagram provides an opportunity for its users to log in to Instagram account.

Like Who Deleted Me, this app also only tracks accounts that stop following after the application is installed. Here's how it works:
  • Sign in to the page and click "Add Account".
  • Click "Add Instagram Account", enter data log in, and the page will not upload anything to Instagram without permission of its users.
  • Select "New Unfollowers" on the left side to see who has unfollowed. You can also set the time to get notifications via email.


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