
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2017

Is Danger Direct Unplug Flashdisk Eject?

Since there is a flash, we can store and carry data easily without having to feel burdened. Even though it has entered the era of cloud storage, flash is still a favorite storage media for computer users. Well, have you rushed to unplug the flash without Eject process first? Actually, this action is not dangerous huh ya? Quoted from How To Geek, the level of danger of unplug the flash without eject tergantug with what process you are doing, for example you are opening the data folders in the flash, then immediately pull out the flash without eject then your data could be damaged. Inside the PC there are 2 options to stop the probees read data write on flashdisk, ie Savely Remove and Eject USB. Eject or Safely Remove menus are both provided to safely remove devices connected to USB. So that will reduce the risk of data in the flash so corrupt because it back into RAW files. Safely Remove menu that can be accessed from the lower right corner of the computer s

A Movie That Inspired From 'Emoji' Will Be Successful Or Even Pixels?

Emoji is already a part of our life in the world of chatting. Chat without emoji is now a vegetable without salt. Yes, in fact emoji is often able to represent expressions or feelings that are difficult to express if only in the text. However, what if the emoji that we used to exchange messages, now become the characters that we can see in a movie? No need to be confused because soon will soon release a movie titled "The Emoji Movie" which according to the title, tells about the life of emoji or emoji in everyday life. Through his official Twitter account @TheEmojiMovie, Sony Pictures Animation announced the launching time of the film, July 28, 2017 in the United States. The possibility of film director Tony Leondis's film will be broadcast in Indonesia a week later. Reported from Engadget, emoji characters will be played by a top artist T.J. Miller and Christina Aguilera. At first glance, this movie reminds us of "Pixels". A film by Chris C

WOW! This Charger is the Most Powerful Charger of All Time

Smartphone users definitely know how it feels to run out of battery. While being busy chatting or playing games, would be upset if the smartphone used suddenly the battery runs out. Especially if it is far from plugs. Therefore, smartphone manufacturers issued a smartphone with a large capacity battery. In addition, there are also presenting advanced charger. Highest Wireless Charger ?! Ever did you get annoyed for having to berjibaku with charger cable while chatting while ngecas smartphone? Although this habit makes smartphone batteries quickly damaged, but all must have experienced it. To outsmart, AR Design presents a wireless charger. Not just free of cable, this charger can make your smartphone float! OvRcharge Can Make Your Smartphone Hovering AR Design, through the Crowdfunding Kickstarter site introduces OvRcharger. Carrying the tagline "Charge your phone over the air", OvRcharge offers you a different experience in using a wireless c

Transparent Smartphone

So, future phones like in the movie Minority Report and Iron Man 2 is not a dream. The transparent smartphone was launched by Polytron Technologies based in Taiwan. Acang (gadget) that carries the transparent multisentuh screen is now still in the form of prototype. The handset uses Switchable Glass technology, a conductive OLED that uses liquid crystal molecules to display images. When the phone is off, the molecules form a cloudy composition. When plugged in with electricity, the handset will form text, icons and other images. Products are expected to be in late 2013. Smartphones are actually not entirely transparent. The most striking is the SD card inserted on the bottom on the left side of the phone and adjacent to the SIM card. Microphones, cameras and batteries are also visible although Polytron is actually planning to hide it with a darker glass cover. In a final statement, the phone seems to be carrying two-sided multisentuh display on the front and rear a

How To Secure iPhone Call Police

Apple has found a way for iPhone users to silently contact police in emergency situations, where it is not possible to make regular phone calls. A patent filed by the technology giant indicates that the iPhone's fingerprint scanner can be used silently pressing 999. This means, in situations of potential hostage or violence, the victim can quickly make calls to emergency services without causing any attention. Without removing the phone from their pocket. According to the patent, the TouchID sensor can be programmed to recognize specific fingerprint circuits to make important calls. What's more, because the iPhone contains a GPS tracker, the police can be instantly alerted to where you are. Apple has made similar things to Apple Watch this. Users can make 'SOS' calls just by pressing the button. However, with the iPhone, there is also the option to capture video and audio if necessary. A series of different fingerprint faults can also be pro

7 Smartphone User Mistakes to Avoid Start Now

Smartphones that are not separated in our daily lives yes. From start to sleep, until sleep again. Smartphones really have helped our activities deh. Unfortunately, there are still many mistakes that are often done by smartphone users. To avoid the bad impact of these mistakes can be prevented kok, as long as there is intention to prevent yaa hehe .. Here are the mistakes often done by smartphone users, without them know the harm. 1. Wasteful Using the Daily Data Package Smartphone without internet connection is 'not useful', because almost all applications and advanced features must be connected to the internet. So, smartphones are lavish quota. Funny thing is, the operator still provides daily internet packages with small quotas. Well the first smartphone user mistake you should avoid is to use a daily data plan. If again kepepet and do not have doku hell yes it's okay. But, should buy monthly internet package is much more efficient an

Did You See 'DU' Mallware Ads When The Phone Is On Charge? Immediately Uninstall This App!

As the most popular operating system in the world, the malware threat against Android does not seem to be endless. There are new types of malware that one after another, some of which are very dangerous because it is able to steal the contents of data on the smartphone. However, there are also malware that are only annoying. Like the malware Jaka discussed below, quoted from Wonderhowto. This malware infiltrated the app in the source store Google Play Store trusted store. So, there are some applications have received updates in which contains unwanted add-ons, which raises the DU service ads. Whether it's DU Battery Boost, DU Quick Charge, DU Speed ​​Booster, DU Boost Charge, DU Speed ​​Charge, and more. Then, how to remove malware on Android that has been infected? Actually this malware is not too dangerous, but this DU add-ons takes over the lock screen or lockscreen of your smartphone to display ads when the smartphone is charging or in charge. The most annoying p

Smart Wallet Connected to Smartphone for Various Needs

Smart device trends undeniably have been widely available in the market. After the lights or speakers, the latest wallet has been equipped with various functions and capabilities like smartphones. Is Volterman, a smart wallet project that is now raising funds in Indiegogo. Quoted from The Verge, this wallet can work like a smartphone, but no screen. This wallet can be used to charge the smartphone. Armed with a Bluetooth connectivity connected to a smartphone, this wallet can be an alarm when the user searches for the device and vice versa. This wallet is also equipped with GPS, 3G connectivity, and RFID protection. Despite having wireless charging capabilities, this wallet also provides cables if the smartphone you're using does not have wireless capability. Uniquely, this wallet is also equipped with a camera to take pictures. So, when this wallet is lost stolen others, the camera will automatically capture the image of the person trying to open the walle

3 Smart Settings Make Your Quota And Your Smartphone Battery Durable!

Sebel is no longer fun fun hanging out or again the way to where so, all of a sudden the smartphone battery runs out. Worse yet if you can SMS from the operator, your internet quota almost or already runs out. But, actually you do not need to install additional applications. Simply brain-tweaking the settings smartly, you can save internet quota and smartphone battery. Here's the proof: 1. Enable Data Saver to Save Quota Your Smartphone already supports 4G connectivity and your area is also covered 4G network? You're lucky, because the internet quota offered by operators on the 4G network is quite large. But, if your smartphone is still 3G, you should really save internet data packets. Because the quota provided on the 3G network is just a little and expensive too. So for you 3G smartphone users or you are again the way to areas that are not covered 4G network, Data Saver feature is certainly really very useful. With this you can save data usage and c

4 Reasons to Upgrade Your Gadget to Android Nougat 7.0

Android Nougat 7.0 was officially launched in August and many people have upgraded their devices. However, there are still many who are still considering whether they should go for the latest Android upgrade or not. This article will help you explore the real benefits of Android 7.0 Nougat to take a decision about it. There are many reasons to upgrade your Android device with the latest Android 7.0 Nougat update and some of the main reasons listed here. These include: Multiple Window Support One of the best features of Android 7.0 is its multi-window support. This feature will let you run two apps at once, you can also open two browsers at a time and this feature works for all apps. For example, you can check your Gmail and use Google maps together, can run YouTube and play games simultaneously. All you need to do is tap the app button recently and then hit one of the apps that is currently running after it is dragged at the top and then select the second a

Powerful Ways to Fix Memory Card Damaged Or Unreadable

SD card (SDCard) or so-called external memory is one of the most needed devices today. Although there are many gadgets that have large internal memory, users still need external memory (MicroSD) to store the data. Perhaps you've experienced memory problems unreadable (damage), with unreadable memory will certainly make it difficult for us to move the data in the memory. To solve the problem of unreadable memory card in Android, here will be discussed four ways that can be done to improve the memory. Method 1: Clean the Memory Card ➣ First aid to solve the problem of memory card is not detected is by removing memory card from gadget. Make sure you've turned off the gadget first. ➣ Clean the copper plate (golden yellow) with a pencil eraser (which is white). Rub gently to clean. ➣ If it is clean, re-insert the memory card into the memory slot and check whether it is read or not. Method 2: Format From Android   ➣ Go to Setting >> Storage menu.

First in the World, Is this a Cell Phone that Can Live Without Battery?

Scientists in the United States (US) to find the latest technology with the form of mobile phones that can continue to live without using batteries. The simplest way is to make the phone 'powered' by the light. So, when making or receiving calls, the phone uses only a small microwatt of power used. Professor Shyam Gollakota, project leader at the University of Washington, said the phone could not be completed anytime soon. However, in the future the phone is claimed will not consume any power at all. "It will consume a very low power, and users only need to utilize the power from the surrounding environment such as light," Shyam said as quoted by the Mirror page. The phone is also installed with a special component that serves to absorb the light of the surrounding light. Could be, scientists will increase the ability of components in order to absorb more light sources to increase the endurance of mobile phones. This phone for a while comes with a

Turn on Bluetooth on Airplane, Safe or Not?

Already we know together, the airline prohibits the use of mobile phones on the plane. The reason is that the frequency of cellular networks can interfere with frequencies between aircraft and control towers. Therefore, aviation mode is available on every mobile phone or smartphone at this time. For passengers, who still want to communicate through their smartphones, a number of airlines provide solutions in the form of additional WiFi services on the plane. With this service passengers can access the internet, so in addition to being able to communicate with the people closest through the messaging app or social media, he can do many other activities. Well, maybe some of you are wondering, is it safe to turn on Bluetooth on the plane? Yes, you might want to listen to songs on your smartphone via earphones or Bluetooth-based wireless headphones during the flight. You may also want to type a document, set up an email reply, or do other work on a smartphone with a Bluetooth-ba